Android, Email Setup

Setup Email Sync on Android:

  1. Open settings > Accounts & Sync > Add Account > Email
  2. enter your email address and password
  3. click manual setup
  4. select POP3 or IMAP (note: IMAP will store your data on the email server allowing you to sync email across multiple devices)
  5. verify that username is correct
  6. update the mail server to be
  7. select security type SSL/TLS
  8. Next
  9. update the SMTP server to be
  10. change the security type SSL/TLS
  11. verify your username
  12. Next
  13. update preferences
  14. Next
  15. Enter your contact details
  16. Next/Finish

Setup Contacts & Calendar sync on Android:

Sync Method 1: (Preferred Method)

Sync Contacts and Calendar Entries,

  1. Download a CardDav & CalDav client like DAVx5
  2. Server Name / URL:
  3. Username: {your email address}
  4. Password: {your password}

Method 2: (Optional)

  1. Open the app store and install a SyncML client
  2. Open the App
  3. select Login
  4. Username: (generally your email address)
  5. Password:
  6. Server URL:
  7. Login